A little over a year ago, I heard about the importance of selecting a word of intention for the year. It is a word you choose as your goal or purpose for the year. It’s something that you want aim towards to improve yourself and your life for the year.

Last year I chose two words: Balance and Confidence. Everyday throughout 2020 I reminded myself to stay balanced with everything that I did. I also wanted to focus on being more confident in myself and with what I do. I told myself that if I wasn’t happy with the progress that I made, I would choose those same words again for 2021.

Now that it is the new year, I have decided that I want a new word for this year. I had some ideas in mind, but decided to try out an online quiz. I was curious to see if the results matched what I was leaning towards. Based on my answers on the quiz, these are the results:

intent word
  • Save

The words that appeared in my results go along with the overall theme that I was thinking for 2021. This year I aim to be more empowered in every task that I take on.

My Words Of Intention for 2021

A couple words really stood out to me and struck a chord from my quiz results:


I chose these words based on some things I have been going through. December was a rough month and has really tested my strength. There were moments where my anxiety, anger, and depression got the best of me. It felt like everything was just falling apart around me. But as difficult as things became, I did not break. I have a strong support system in my life who I counted on. I also practiced many of the mindfulness techniques that I’ve blogged about.

With these recent experiences and life events that are still going on, I aim to build up my RESILIENCE. I know it won’t happen overnight…that is why it’s my word of the YEAR. I want to pay more attention to my reactions to events. That is the only thing I can control. I want to feel UNBREAKABLE. I want to face all challenges or events that test my strength FEARLESSLY.

What’s your word of intention for 2021? Take this quiz to find out.

“So I Have My Word…Now What?”

I decided to do two things to help remind me to practice these words every day and these are things that you can do too!

  1. Create a playlist of songs that pertain to your word(s)
  2. Create an online/digital “Vision Board” that revolves around your word(s)

Word of Intention Playlist

The first step to creating your Word of Intention Playlist is to search online for songs that have to do with your word. You can use a music streaming service that you have an account with, such as Amazon Prime Music, Spotify, or Pandora. Name your playlist by using your Word of Intention so it will be easy to find. Then add the songs that came up in your online search. Some songs may end up coming to you when you least expect it, especially now that you know your word of intention. Make sure you write the names of the songs down to help you remember to add it to your playlist!

For my playlist, I started by first searching “Empowering Songs.” Some songs that came up aren’t songs that I would normally listen to day to day. However, I’m still putting them on my “Empowerment Playlist” just to get something started. I’m also going to keep my heart and my ears open to songs that I may randomly hear that causes a sense of empowerment, resilience, and fearlessness for me. But for now, here are some songs I’m adding:

Word of Intention Digital Vision Board

Vision boards are created with images and words of things that you want to bring into your life. I made a vision board a little over a year ago. The coolest thing happened: I traveled to one of the places (Nashville) that I had on my bucket list and put on the board. But that’s not the coolest part. One of the many photos that I took while there with friends is almost an exact photo of what I have on my vision board! A vision board is your intent. It’s what you want to bring into your life.

You can create a digital vision board with your word of intention for the year! Here is how:

  1. Create a Pinterest account if you don’t have one yet.
  2. Type in your word of intention in the search.
  3. Find quotes, images, and helpful websites that you want to add to your board.
  4. Click to save your first “pin” to a board and select “create board.”
  5. Type in the name of your board (I suggest naming it with your word of intention).
  6. Click “secret” if you want to keep this board private and secret for your eyes only.
  7. Click “Create.”

Once your board is created with your first “pin,” you can continue to add more “pins” to your “Digital Vision Board.” If you have Canva or Photofy, you can create your own inspirational images with or without quotes and add them to your board as well!

My Final “Word” Of Advice

Don’t forget to use your playlist and digital vision board daily! It is a great way to get visual and auditorial stimulation for your brain and will remind you to focus on your word or words you chose.

Also, keep me posted on YOUR journey! I feel like each blog post I make brings me closer and closer to my readers. So, comment below with the word(s) of intention you chose for the year! Let me know how your digital vision boards and playlist turn out by sharing links to them in your comments.

Peace and Love,

P.S. – Ok, I don’t know if it’s “normal” to put a “P.S.” at the end of the blog…but when have I ever cared about being normal?! Anyway, I just had to share with you that as I was proofreading my blog before publishing it, I heard someone on TV just say “resilient!” See what I mean?! Once you choose your word(s), you will notice that the universe will bring the words into your life and remind you about sticking to your intentions! So pay attention to the world around you!

I do use affiliate links on here meaning that if you purchase anything through my affiliate links I receive commission at no additional cost to you! My views and opinions are never swayed because of this! I only recommend products and services I love!


  1. Tom

    I really like this idea, I hope you feel resilient and fearless throughout the new year!

  2. the word resilience makes me think of that old Tina Turner/Hanes ad about the resilience of the hosiery… do you know it? LOL let’s all hope for a resilience that is much much stronger than hose!

    • I remember those commercials and ad campaign! LOL yes, I hope to be more resilient than Hanes hosiery!

  3. Great words Melissa I especially love resilience, that’s a great one! I did a similar exercise this year but with 5 words: Consistency, focus, self-discovery, patience, creativity. Happy new year!

    • Those are some EXCELLENT words! I wish you success with your words of intention this year! Keep me posted on your journey!

  4. Jimmy Clare

    really good tips thanks for sharing

  5. I really love this idea (and your tips/advice are so helpful). I will have to give some thought to my words, but I know of one that keeps finding it’s way to me in some way or another and that is ‘reciprocity’. I have found it very important in my life recently so that may well be one of mine!

    Great post — thanks for sharing!

    • I’m so glad this post was helpful to you! I love your word, ‘reciprocity.’ Good luck with your word this year! Feel free to keep me posted with using your word of intention!

  6. I adore your words for this year! Resilence is a good one. I really like the idea of a playlist around your theme or chosen word of the year. Thanks for sharing xo

    • My pleasure! I’m so glad you enjoyed this post! Good luck to you on your journey with your word of intention!

  7. Wow! Loved how you provide many ways to actualize these two words of intention. You gave so many examples of mediums where we can express it like music, Pinterest, etc. Love your words this year! Being reminded of resilience is such a huge help especially during this time. Thank you for this!


    • I appreciate this! I’m so glad this post was helpful to you! This is a journey for me as well and I know that we could all use a little help along the way. So I figure blogging about this to share my ideas with others could benefit someone! For me, if my post reaches out and helps one person, it is worth it! Good luck to you with your journey!

  8. Love this! Being intentional is important to avoid just drifting through life with regret. I’ve been choosing a word for the year since 2015. Love this practice in addition to writing my goals.

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