Hi and welcome to Music Mind and Soul! My name is Melissa Inferrera. Music touches each and every one of us in different ways. I believe that listening to music is beneficial to our mental and emotional health. “Music Mind and Soul” blog is all about infusing music in my classroom and personal life. I discuss the many benefits music has on all of us. Improving our mental and emotional health should effect our physical health.

I’m a first grade teacher who loves to infuse music into my classroom. Experiences of using music as therapy in my classroom for my students as well as at home will be shared with you. I discuss many mindfulness techniques to support our mental wellness. I also write about self care and ways to improve your life and wellbeing. Personal growth is a passion of mine, so as I learn and grow on this journey, I hope you can use the experiences that I share. I’m hoping that using music as therapy will help our mental, emotional, and physical well being.

I began my blogging journey in November 2020. It has quickly become a passion of mine. Not only am I using blogging for my own self reflecting and personal growth, but I’m also hoping my words can help each and every one of you!

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Peace and Love,

Melissa Inferrera
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