* “High Anxieties and Needing a Reset” *ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED DECEMBER 3, 2020*

Between school going all virtual, the upcoming holidays, and other things we will just put under the category of “Life,” my anxieties were at high-level, code red today.

A Picture Says A Thousand Words

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This was me this morning. I felt like I had a cold, I have all of the symptoms of a UTI (who DIDN’T see that coming?!), Google Meets were glitching up a storm, and no amount of music from our “Classroom Playlist” was helping me. I mean, look at the way the elf on the shelf was looking at me!

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Poor little guy looks scared for his life and wants OUT! Maybe he will feel bad for me and tell Santa that I deserve lots of spa and liquor store gift cards if I am lucky!

Where is the RESET button?!

If life only had a reset button when you are experiencing high level anxieties, things would be so much easier. I would have pressed that button this morning and started the day over. However, no such button exists. 

But, could one exist?

If you ask anyone who I work with, they will tell you I’m OCD. I don’t throw terms around like that very easily. There are many of the signs of OCD that I demonstrate. I just always try to be in control of it, such as making sure I say aloud to myself as I’m locking my front door, “Melissa, you are locking the door. There is no need to get back out of the car AGAIN to check to make sure you locked it.” Another trait is that I have a TON of lists. I LOVE lists. I will always find an excuse to create a list! So maybe my “reset button” has to be a list.

Melissa’s Daily Tasks To “Reset” And “Recharge”

 1. Start the day with yoga
2. Morning cup of coffee
3. Protein shake with added digestion support and fiber
4. Drink 64 ounces of water
5. Take multiple pee breaks
6. Take computer breaks
7. Eat lunch AND dinner…no more skipping meals!
8. Blog/write while listening to music
9. Read
10. Meditate
11. Wash
12. Rinse
13. Sleep
14. Repeat

Side note: I had to do some editing in my list a few times because it had to have an even number of tasks, and of course I couldn’t finish with 13 items. Seriously…it’s 2020 and I’m NOT taking any chances!

I wonder if I commit myself to completing this task list daily, it would work as a “reset” button every morning and every night? I won’t know unless I test it out.

Even though most of the day is gone already and I barely checked ANYTHING off of the list so far, I will do my best to end the day strong. Last night I did try out one of the meditation videos to help with grinding my teeth at night. To be honest, it didn’t do much of anything for me. I’m expecting more to come out of it. So, I will give a different video a try this evening. I’m not giving up until I figure out a way to enhance my mental wellness on a subconscious level and reduce high anxieties.

To all of my fellow list-lovers out there, try making a list of tasks that could help your own mental well-being. Maybe this can be our own version of a reset button, with a sound start and end of each day, loaded with important tasks our brain and body needs in the middle. There is no perfect list.

I’ll say that again louder for the people in the back: THERE IS NO PERFECT LIST! (I had to say it again louder for myself too, because I need to hear it.)

Just like writing, our body’s needs and requirements constantly have to be proofread, revised, and edited. However, there will not be a final draft. 

I am a work in progress, and so are you.

In the meantime, I’m going to listen to the advise given by the Eagles, and “take it easy.”

Now Spinning: Eagles – Their Greatest Hits

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